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Message From Dr. Heber III

I solicit your prayers as I return to traditional preaching and pastoring for the summer as my Dad, Bishop Heber Brown II, is away on sabbatical until the fall.

This Sunday, I'll begin a sermon series inspired by the movie Inside Out 2. Each Sunday, the sermon will focus on a different emotion and after our 1-hour service, we'll huddle to discuss, process and share together. Resources related to mental health, self and communal care will be provided for all ages as well.

This Sunday's small group discussion after the sermon will happen over a Sunday Brunch meal provided by Black-woman owned business, Krazi Katering. We invite people to wear the color associated with the emotion that we'll be focusing on each week. This Sunday, the spotlight is on Joy so wear yellow if you have it.

Finally, to add some fun to the service, we'll be raffling off a dozen crabs to someone in worship and providing another dozen to the person who brings the most friends to church in honor of the 15 days after Juneteenth holiday:).

If you do not have a church home, I invite you to share in worship this summer with Shiloh Baptist Church of Baltimore County. It will be an experience that's worth the drive!

Services will be streamed online as well.

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